Around 70% of Americans age 35-44 have at least one missing tooth, and 25% over 74 have lost all their natural teeth. While there is no perfect replacement for your natural teeth dental implants are usually the best option. Dental implants become fused to your bone so the can act, feel and look more like your own teeth. Dental implants have also been shown to stimulate bone so you have less bone loss as you age. For patients at Mashni Dentistry we utilize the most recent technology. Each of our patients will receive a 3D image that will show us the quality and type of bone present and guide us in our implant placement. The implant procedure can be done at the time of the extraction of a tooth or when there is a tooth missing already. Implants can also be used to anchor and stabilize a denture so that you are able to function more efficiently. At Mashni Dentistry we will form the most beneficial treatment plan specific for your individual needs and situation.
We are always greeted with a warm smile and a staff that shows true professionalism- Thank You!
- Kelli